About Me

An inspired purchase of a Canon AE-1 at a garage sale long ago led me into taking photography "seriously". Partly as a result of that purchase I received my degree in photography from Sonoma State and have been involved in the Sonoma County photo world as a photographer, instructor and technical resource for over twenty years. I regularly respond to being called "Photo Guy" when out in public. I currently teach photographic techniques, both digital and analog, in one-on-one settings as well as group classes, at local schools and through my photography supply store, Jeremiah's Photo Corner.

I was originally bitten by the allure of photography while studying architecture in college. During the slide presentations of buildings I noticed how some photos captured the "atmosphere" and "feeling" of a structure, while other photos did not. Initially it was the desire to accurately record this atmosphere of a building that led me to buy that first 35mm and pursue photography. But what ultimately lured me away from my architectural pursuits was the rewarding dynamics of photographing people and the hands-on, real-time management of variables in the darkroom.

In the wet plate collodion process (tintypes, in this case) my original enthusiasm for creating portraits and working in the darkroom returns time and time again whenever I am under the red of the safelights developing plates.